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Monday, February 28, 2011

Achieving inclusive growth with clear priorities

As the Left Democratic Front (LDF) government led by V.S. Achuthanandan completes its tenure, it has succeeded in leaving an imprint in all walks of life, especially among the weaker sections.

Providing food, shelter, drinking water and power are the major responsibilities of a government. It can be safely said that the LDF government succeeded in providing these basic needs to a large section of the weaker sections such as the landless and homeless, fishermen, manual labourers and those employed in the unorganised sectors. One of the notable achievements of the government is the provision of rice at Rs.2 a kg to 40 lakh families belonging to both APL and BPL categories. This was a relief to the families of coir, handloom, khadi, beedi and plantation workers and also those engaged for 50 days under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) of the Union government.

The EMS Housing Scheme launched under the aegis of local self-government institutions is yet another innovative step to construct 5 lakh houses. Once completed, this would be a pioneering and revolutionary effort in providing shelter for the homeless poor.

Total electrification

The total electrification drive and the energy conservation programmes have become a landmark in the power sector. Palakkad first attained the tota-electrified status followed by Thrissur, Ernakulam and Alappuzha. Power connections have been provided to 90 per cent houses in the State. Kerala can also boast being the only State without power-cut and load-shedding during the past five years. There was no power tariff revision too. By containing the transmission loss and adopting other measures such as popularisation of CFLs, the government also succeeded in keeping its power storehouse safe and secure.

The market intervention efforts of the cooperative sector and the Food and Civil Supplies Department helped contain price rise. This was a major relief to the common man who was reeling under the burden of spiralling prices.

The measures initiated by the government proved successful in reigning in the rise in prices of essentials, especially during the festival seasons. Budgetary support is being provided to supply essential commodities at concessional rates through 3,000 ration shops. The functioning of the outlets opened by Consumerfed and the cooperative societies deserves special mention.

A scientific approach in conserving the perennial water sources, ensuring the availability of drinking water and creating public awareness of the optimum utilisation of potable water also yielded rich results.

Water schemes

As many as 69 major and 300 minor drinking water schemes completed during the period have benefitted 29.53 lakh people. The Chamravattom irrigation project, with an estimated cost of Rs.150 crore is nearing completion.

The second phase of the Jalanidhi rural drinking water scheme for Rs.1,000 crore has been launched. The Kerala Water Authority won the award instituted under the joint aegis of the Union Development Ministry and the World Bank South Asian Water Sanitation in 2009.

The State also set its mark in decentralised planning and governance and retained its prime position in the country. The Union Panchayati Raj Department selected Kerala for its remarkable achievements in devolution of powers and funds to local self-government institutions. A sum of Rs.2.5 crore was given as prize money for the trail-blazing achievements in this realm.

The State set a model by reserving 50 per cent seats in LSGIs for women. By combining the Plan projects of the civic bodies and the MGNREGP, the State succeeded in bringing cheer to the agriculture sector.


The efforts of the civic representatives for fallow land cultivation yielded rich rewards.

The increase in area under paddy cultivation was one of the notable achievements of the proponents of decentralised planning and governance. Kudumbasree, which was launched with the objective of poverty alleviation and implementation of People's Plan projects, completed 12 years of operations. The vision of the organisation also evolved in tune with the changing times and needs. It has grown from an organisation which had to depend on financial assistance to one with a major interventional role in development and prosperity of the region and also one for women empowerment with a membership base of 39 lakh.

The resurgence of Public Sector Undertakings in the State has not much parallel in the country. During 2005-06, only 12 out of the 44 companies were registering profit and the loss incurred was Rs.69.64 crore. The situation changed from 2006-07.

The total turnover was Rs.1,763.74 crore against the Rs.1,540.40 crore in the previous year and the profit too went up to Rs.91.18 crore. The number of profit –making companies increased to 24. In 2007-08, the profit-making units increased to 27 but the total profit dipped to Rs.80.30 crore and the turnover increased to Rs.1,811.50 crore. In 2008-09, 28 companies turned around. The total turnover was Rs.2,105.01 crore and profit, Rs.169.45 crore. In 2009-10, 32 units turned profit-making. The turnover rose to Rs.2190.73 crore and the profit, Rs.239.75 crore. The loss incurred by five units was Rs.6.45 crore.

The culture realm also witnessed sweeping changes. Kalamandalam acquired deemed university status. The Lalita Kala Akademi at Ernakulam acquired a new library and a modern research centre.

Performance audit

Periodical performance monitoring, annual budgeting, timely auditing of accounts, mutual support and cooperation and budgetary support were the key factors that helped the State make such a remarkable achievement. The turnaround saga of the State PSUs is a classic illustration of how a committed government with political will can take strategic initiatives for reviving the units that were declared sick.

The initiatives taken by the government in clearing the impediments in starting the work on the Vizhinjam International Container Transshipment Terminal and the SmartCity in Kochi have found place of pride in the development history of the State.

The other departments like Cooperation, Health and Education too made notable changes in their ambit. On completing its tenure, the LDF government can rightfully claim to have worked with a right perspective and made notable changes in all walks of life of the people who voted them to power five years ago.

The LDF government's initiatives will ensure sustained development in Kerala in various spheres.

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