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Monday, March 7, 2011

Now, cheating death just got easy

Let's face it. Old age and death are inevitable. But, according to this story from Men's Health, there are ways in which you can prolong your youth and "halt" ageing (at least for a while).

The reason I found this article very interesting was because the tips given here are so simple. These are everyday things we almost always take for granted. So, my leanrings from reading these tips are; stop getting complacent. Get up and take notice.
Take a look and see what you think!
Live Higher Up
The science: A 2009 study of people in Switzerland found that those living at high altitudes had a 22 percent lower risk of dying of coronary heart disease.

Your move: Most people can benefit from taking in 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily, so eat more D-rich foods, such as seafood. (Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are good bets.) Or take a vitamin D3 supplement, says study author Adit Ginde, M.D., M.P.H., an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Colorado at Denver.

Must read on health: 6 questions you would ask your gynaec if she was your friend

Make Relationships Last
The science: Adults with strong friendships and/or community involvement lived an average of 3.7 years longer than the normal U.S. life expectancy, according to a 2010 review by researchers at Brigham Young University.

Your move: It's often easier to schedule an event than to plan an open-ended get-together. Sign up at a site like, which feeds you constant ideas (and discounts). If a good event pops up, rally your troops.

Brush Your Teeth
The science: People who brushed less than twice a day had a 70 percent higher risk of death or hospitalization from heart disease than those who brushed three times or more, according to a 2010 U.K. study.

Your move: Brushing and flossing remove bacteria, but many people floss incorrectly, says Judy Kreismann, R.D.H., M.A., a clinical associate professor of dental hygiene at New York University. Floss right: Wrap the floss so it forms a C around the front of one tooth and a C around the back of the adjacent one. Move the floss up and down.

Health must-read: Why are trans-fats bad for you?

Breathe Clean Air
The science: People who live in cities with relatively good air quality live a few months to a year longer than average, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Your move: No matter where you live, you can trade sidewalk jogs for trail runs. Streets equal more air pollution from passing vehicles, and deep breathing increases your inhalation of the stuff, says Pope.

Accept Your Age
The science: In a 2009 study from Germany, researchers asked people how they felt about their age. Those who were happy with their age lived an average of 2 years longer than people who were bothered by it.

Your move: As people age, they tend to compare themselves with their younger selves, which leads to some disappointment, says Kotter-Gruhn.

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