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Monday, March 28, 2011

Indo-Pak Home Secys meet: Talks positive, progress in right direction, says Pillai


New Delhi, Mar 28 : Union Home Secretary G K Pillai after the completion of the first round of talks with his Pakistani counterpart Chaudhary Qamar Zaman here on Monday said that the talks were extremely positive and progress was being made in the right direction.
"Talks are extremely positive and progress made in the right direction," said Pillai after emerging from the meeting.haudhry, who is leading a six-member delegation, had on Sunday said Pakistan is ready to talk on all issues with India.
Chaudhry, who came to India through the Wagah-Attari border check post with an 'open mind', hoped that the talks would be held in an congenial atmosphere with his colleague.
"My priority would be to take this message of peace and friendship from Pakistan to my friends in India, with whom I will get the opportunity to meet after a break of couple of years to exchange our views. A number of issues are those required in promoting our relationship between the two countries, " Chaudhry said as soon as he entered the Indian Territory on Sunday afternoon.
The two-day meeting between Home Secretary G K Pillai and his Pakistani counterpart Chaudhary Qamar Zaman will deliberate on a wide range of issues, including Islamabad's disinclination in co-operating fully in bringing to justice the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.
Dismantling of terror camps across the border, progress in the 26/11 trial and the Samjhauta Express blast probe will dominate the talks.
The meeting comes ahead of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh's, possible meeting with his Pakistan counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani, during the semi-final India and Pakistan clash at Mohali on March 30.
Gilani has accepted Dr. Singh's invitation to visit India to watch the match.

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