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Sunday, March 6, 2011

£10m bounty to nab Colonel Gaddafi — dead or alive

London: A whopping 10 million pounds bounty has been placed on the head of Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi.
The reward is being offered by special agents to the Libyan who can deliver them Gaddafi -- dead or alive.

British and US spies are in Libya with bundles of cash to tempt Gaddafi's closest bodyguards and aides to turn hitman or hand him over.

"There is about 10 million pounds from the Brits and Americans to make it happen. They have infiltrated his closest body- guards. With the right people together it could happen in days," the Daily Star quoted a well-placed security source as saying.

"The important thing is this has to be done by Libyans. We cannot have British fingerprints on this. It's up to the Libyans and there is an open cheque book.

"The spooks are spending a fortune out there. It's serious money for serious people who can make this happen. Money is no object," said the source.

Handfuls of notes have also being given out to turn Gaddafi's closest aides - especially his military staff.

The source added, "Gaddafi keeps moving so it is difficult to get close. This plan needs the military on board as they are closest to Gaddafi. They have already signed up people lower down and want more senior people, as many as they can get."

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