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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Electricity reaches reactors at Japan's troubled n-plant


Tokyo, March 19 : Workers managed to reconnect nuclear reactors to the electrical grid Saturday as they seek to restore cooling functions at a quake and tsunami-damaged Japanese power plant, news reports said.
Electricity was expected to be transmitted to reactors No.1 and No.2 Sunday at the Fukushima plant that was damaged in the March 11 disaster, which devastated the region, the Jiji Press agency reported, citing the government's nuclear safety commission.
The plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), warned that it would take time to bring the cooling systems back on line after electricity is restored because of checks that need to be carried out on equipment at the plant in Fukushima that is home to six reactors, the Kyodo News agency reported earlier in the day.
The cooling systems failed at all six reactors after the tsunami swamped the facility, leading to explosions, fires, releases of radiation and fears of meltdown.

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