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Thursday, March 10, 2011

India Inc makes right moves toward woman empowerment

In a male dominated world, companies across the globe have been taking massive steps toward encouraging and retaining their female employees.

In India, too, where the concept of a working mother is often frowned upon, many companies like IT major Infosys and Ernst & Young have introduced various facilities such as day care centers, cab services and extended maternity leaves in order to retain their population of the fairer sex.

Most women tend to fail to resume work post child birth. Company heads say after spending thousands on training their woman employees it would be a waste to let them go. Hence they are trying to provide as many facilities as possible to help women strike the right work-life balance after such prolonged breaks.

According to United Nations statistics, India's rate of female participation in the labor force is the lowest among BRIC countries at 34.2 percent. This is perhaps one reason Wipro held a mentoring lunch on Women's Day to share their experiences:

"Being true to diversity and inclusiveness in all spheres, we are conscious of the importance of engaging women in our workforce and providing them a platform to hear their voice,' Wipro talent engagement and development general manager Sunita Cherian said."

At Goodyear's Women with Drive programme; women were taught car and tyre care and service techniques to keep them safe on the road.

So from managing home, to work, to babies and even their cars, India does seem to be on the right road toward woman empowerment.

1 comment:

  1. Women empowerment in India is a challenging task as we need to acknowledge the fact that gender based discrimination is a deep rooted social malice practiced in India in many forms since thousands of years.
    Moreover, till date men in many organizations are jealous of women being their bosses or seniors.
    Also, women empowerment cannot take place unless women come together and decide to self-empower themselves.
    Thus, Self empowerment should be all round in nature.
