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Thursday, January 26, 2012

One held for harassing girl on train


Kokrajhar, Jan. 25: Moinul Islam, 34, of Sahapati in Hojai of Nagaon district was arrested today for harassing a girl on the Rajdhani Express.
The man was caught and later taken into custody by security forces at Kokrajhar railway station.
The Up Rajdhani Express was stranded for over half an hour after the incident.
Angry residents vandalised the station demanding that the culprit be handed over to them for punishment. The girl is a student in Delhi and was returning home to Kokrajhar.
According to the girl, the man who was travelling in the same compartment and on the opposite seat, started misbehaving from the start, which gradually increased as the night progressed.
When she complained to the ticket checker, she was rebuffed. She could change her seat only when a pantry boy offered to help around midnight.
The girl also called up her father in Kokrajhar who later went to the railway station and complained to the railway authorities for action.
The man was arrested by the CRPF at Kokrajhar station around 2.30pm today.
A mob gheraoed Kokrajhar police station demanding punishment to the culprit.

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