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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Russian TV channel to broadcast Assange's talk show


London, Jan 26 : A Russian state-owned television channel has brought the broadcasting rights for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's upcoming talk show.
Russia Today, the Kremlin's English-language propaganda arm, announced it had won exclusive first broadcast rights for the show, titled The World Tomorrow, and was due to begin airing the show in March.
"Our viewers are open to the discussions that will be presented through Julian's show on our channel," The Guardian quoted the channel's editor-in-chief, Kremlin loyalist Margarita Simonyan, as saying.
The channel, like the Russian government, has been very supportive of Assange since his arrest for allegedly sexually assaulting two women in Sweden in August 2010.
According to the paper, various interviews for the talk show would be filmed at Ellingham Hall in Norfolk, where Assange has been under house arrest as he awaits a UK Supreme Court hearing on his extradition to Sweden.
The names of the guests have not yet been disclosed.
Assange recently announced his plans to host a global TV talk show while on bail where he will interview "key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries".
Assange said in a statement posted on the Wikileaks site that the show would examine his subjects "in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before".

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