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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Village councils above parliament, says Anna


New Delhi, Jan 26:Stating that gram sabhas (village councils) were above state assemblies and parliament, activist Anna HazareThursday called for legislation to empower local bodies and said people should be prepared for a "second freedom struggle" if thegovernment does not bring such a bill.
In his video message "Rebuilding Rebuplic" posted on YouTube by his team, Hazare said that gram sabhas were the highest structures in the country as they derived their strength directly from the people.
"Gram sabha is the highest system in the country. It is above Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha. Every voter is the master of the country, this they (the government) should understand. You (the people) have to come forward for a second freedom struggle," Hazare said.
He called upon the government to introduce a bill which will decentralise powers vested in central and state governments.

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