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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Amar Singh: 'Not a she? it's a he!'


Bipasha Basu can now beam and relax. Confirmation asserting it "is not Bipasha Basu," has come from quarters that is likely to set the controversy at rest. And Bipasha can rest assured that the slander will be slashed away… since the entity in question happens to be… Amar Singh.

Politico Amar Singh, has gone on record stating that he's "heard the tape", asserting that the voice in question does not belong to the Bengali bomb belle. Offering his unconditional apology to "fellow Bengali" Bipasha, Singh puts down his association with Omkara as being the chief reason for Basu being dragged into the ugly "sex tape" muck.

What's better, Singh accepts that he did "say those lines in the sex tape"… however, the big twist in the tale is that he declares that he would "not speak to a lady like that." Moreover, Singh insists that he's reeled off those lines "to a naughty male friend of mine."

Amar Singh, states in a tabloid quote that the said remarks were a part of some "bitchy men to men talk," and that the individual concerned is "also a celebrity." Insisting that he's not ashamed or "embarrassed to accept" that it's his voice… Singh told an eager media that "it's a he and not a she!"

Journos, probably, are chewing on that one…

Over-crowding in 2G courtroom; Judges inspect, mull revamp


New Delhi, May 21 : Persistent complaints about space constraint in the court room trying the high-profile 2G scam case have prompted the judges to consider a much-needed revamp of the arrangements in the room.
Senior judges of the Patiala House District court inspected the courtroom and discussed modalities to use existing space in a more efficient manner so that the high-profile accused, their relatives, lawyers, media persons and curious on-lookers do not face difficulty during judicial proceedings.
The judges, Talwant Singh and Sanjiv Jain, however, did not agree with the plea of Swan Telecom Promoter Shahid Usman Balwa, who is in jail along with various others including former Telecom Minister A Raja, that the scribes be kept out during the hearing.
The moment the inspecting judges came, Balwa sought installation of more air conditioners in the courtroom which already has seven ACs.
Balwa said the "media should be moved out". His counsel also seconded his statements saying there is hardly any space for lawyers to stand as journalists occupy most of the space.
The judges rejected the plea of Balwa that a screen be installed outside the courtroom for the media.
A separate media gallery would be set up, one of the judges said and asked the staff, who accompanied them, to ensure that two gates are there.
Through one gate, only lawyers and accused would be allowed to enter and the other one could be used by the public and journalists, special CBI judge Talwant Singh said.
CBI Judge Singh, who is trying CWG cases against various high-profile accused including Suresh Kalmadi, does not allow journalists to come near the dais.
He, however, directed that microphones be installed for the lawyers and the judge after taking note of the complaint of Sharad Kumar, CEO and MD of Kalaignar TV, who was arrested yesterday along with DMK MP Kanimozhi.
On the lines of the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court, arrangements would be made for senior advocates to sit while other advocates argue.

Goof-up on fugitives list wake up call for agencies: PC


New Delhi, May 21 : Home Minister P Chidambaram today said the "embarrassing" goof-up in the ''most wanted fugitives list'' given to Pakistan is a wake up call to security agencies to become more professional but ruled out giving any apology for the lapse.
He also said that the goof-up does not damage government''s credibility and it will "not change the dynamics" of Indo-Pak relationship or the status of discussions between them.
Chidambaram also dismissed suggestions that after this blunder, Pakistan will grow dismissive about India''s repeated requests to handover terror suspects sheltered in that country.
"I don''t think it damages credibility. I think it is a wake up call for the agencies to become more professional," he told Karan Thapar on ''Devil''s Advocate'' programme on CNN-IBN.
He was asked whether he would accept that the goof-up damaged the governments credibility even in a small part if not in a big way.
Chidambaram was asked whether the government owed an apology to the two persons named in the fugitives list as hiding in Pakistan but were actually living in India.
"I don''t think this is a case we owe an apology to anyone. We expressed regret that there was a genuine human error in not updating the list. To that extent, we have expressed regret and we remain regretful. But I think we have carried the argument too far," he said.
He said the two (named in the list living in India) were fugitives of justice. Red Corner Notices were indeed issued to them. Subsequently they were arrested.

Centre showing discriminatory attitude towards Gujarat: Modi


Ahmedabad, May 21 : Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today accused the Centre of showing "crookedness" and "discriminatory attitude" towards the state''s progress by denying permission to raise the height of Sardar Sarovar Dam.
"By not giving approval to construct gates over Sardar Sarovar dam and raise its height, the Centre has shown its crookedness toward Gujarat. The Congress-led UPA government should change its anti-Gujarat mentality," Modi said.
He was speaking at the foundation stone-laying ceremony for three construction works of Kutch and Radhanpur branch canals in Patan district.
Under these projects, 987 km of branch canal are proposed to be constructed at the cost of Rs 712 crore, which would carry Narmada''s water to 158 villages of Patan, Banaskantha and Kutch districts, according to government sources.
"The Centre is giving 90 per cent grant to the other states for irrigation projects in arid areas, but it is not ready to give similar grant for Narmada canal project, though most of it benefits arid land belts," Modi said.
Due to this "discriminatory attitude" of the Centre, it would be difficult to take the Narmada''s water to Gujarat''s interiors on time, the chief minister said.
Targeting state Congress leaders, he said, "They are behaving as ''Subas'' (regents in Mughal period) of Delhi Sultanate and have taken a ''supari'' against progress of Gujarat.
"We should identify these ''subas'' and teach them a lesson in the coming elections."

Infosys to invest $125-$150 mln for campus in China


MUMBAI - Infosys Technologies Ltd, India's second-biggest software services exporter, plans to invest $125-$150 million in a new campus in China, it said in a statement on Saturday.
The project will be completed over a period of 3 years and will have a capacity to seat 8,000 employees, the statement said.
Infosys China, which currently employs over 3,300 people, reported revenues of over $78 million in fiscal year ending March 2011.

The banal and the beautiful: Great scenes in average films


I used to think that being a naturally funny writer was an impediment to being a good reviewer (wouldn't one constantly be tempted to sacrifice the measured assessment at the altar of a reader-pleasing witticism?), but the work of David Thomson is a counterpoint to this idea. Thomson is one of the most perceptive and nuanced critics around, but also the sort of writer who validates the use of the blurb cliché "he's incapable of producing a boring sentence".

His excellent book Have You Seen…? A Personal Introduction to 1,000 Films makes a strong case for the well-written "short review". Most of the pieces here are only between 400 and 700 words long, but Thomson packs a lot into a few terse sentences, and despite the space constraints there is always room for the complex thought — the defiance of the human tendency to seek patterns and divide things into neat categories.
"It is too much to ask a film to be perfect, or even good, most of the time," he writes at one point. "The process is so inherently flawed that we must be prepared for twenty minutes of fragrant sunshine in an otherwise overcast afternoon."
[...] "With films, it is our habit to say that this one is good, that one a masterpiece, whereas maybe the most truthful approach would say that in John Frankenheimer's I Walk the Line, there are two or three minutes when the look on Tuesday Weld's face is from some other film, a film made by William Faulkner, while the rest is, well, decent filler. I think once we got into that way of looking, we could all build an anthology of moments while admitting that elsewhere a film rests or glides downhill."
Forget the specifics of that passage: it isn't important to know who Tuesday Weld is (she was a perky 60s and 70s actress who briefly shone in offbeat roles, and whom I suspect Thomson had a reviewer's crush on). Nor is it relevant whether you think William Faulkner would have made a great filmmaker. Thomson's basic point is direct and clear-sighted, and his phrase "an anthology of moments" resonated with me, because lately I've formed the habit of repeat-watching favourite movie scenes without feeling the need to re-watch the whole film.
To an extent, this is guided by practical considerations: one human lifetime isn't enough to see and read a tiny fraction of everything one would like to; there are always so many distractions, and attention spans keep getting lower; and the DVD culture facilitates certain indulgences. But it's equally true that very often a whole film simply isn't worth watching multiple times. Many movie buffs would agree that the statement "I can watch that sequence over and over again" is usually more accurate than "I can watch that film over and over again".
Incidentally, Thomson's observation is from his review of a musical titled Broadway Melody of 1940, and it builds to his point that this otherwise ordinary film contains a nine-minute-long dance sequence of tremendous artistry — "with a gaiety and energy so great that if you'd been Hitler in 1940, you might have looked at this and called a halt".

That reminds me of a personal favourite sequence from a Hollywood musical — the soulful Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers dance routine towards the end of Swing Time. "Lucky" Garnett (Astaire) has just discovered that his dance partner and true love Penny (Rogers) is going to marry someone else. He corners her on an empty stage, sings the stirring Jerome Kern composition "Never Gonna Dance", and then gently persuades her to glide about the floor with him; their movements gather urgency and passion, eventually growing into a full-fledged routine that ends with Rogers breathlessly pirouetting into — and out of — his arms. The sequence ends with her rushing out of the room as Astaire strikes a tragic, balletic pose. Fade to black.
And once that's over, we return to the film we were watching before this great scene began. In the final 10 minutes there is some slapstick comedy, some quick clearing up of misunderstandings, a reconciliation between the lovers, a final clinch; all of which is anti-climactic, because what a viewer will take away from Swing Time is not the facile ending but the mournful symphony that had preceded it — two star-crossed lovers, alone together for seemingly the last time, expressing their feelings in the way they know best.
To an extent, all the best Astaire-Rogers dance duets — the joyful ones and the sad ones — transcended the films they were in; it's difficult to work up too much interest in the other sequences, which are often workmanlike. No wonder some of those movies feel schizophrenic — the script and performances are very much products of a particular period, but the dances are timeless.
While on films with split personalities: have you ever experienced the disappointment of watching an old Hindi movie that you thought was going to be unblemished loveliness from start to end, and discovering that apart from the music or a performance or a couple of scenes, much of it is mediocre or facetious?
Looking at the past through sepia-tinted glasses (or through the faint memories of parents or grandparents), it's common to remember this or that film as "beautiful" in an all-encompassing sense. Asit Sen's 1969 film Khamoshi was the subject of rave reviews in my house as far back as I can remember, and my appetite for it was whetted a few years ago when I saw the lovely song sequence "Woh shaam kuch ajeeb thi" on TV. As it happens, this four-minute scene brings together the three best things about the film: Hemant Kumar's music, Kamal Bose's stunning black-and-white photography (shown to particularly good effect here), and Waheeda Rehman's luminous performance as a nurse who begins to lose her own emotional equilibrium as she cares for mentally ill patients.
None of these elements can be faulted, but now consider what surrounds them. The story is set in the "National Psycho Analytical Clinic" (sic), run by an unbearably self-important Colonel Sahab who — working on the assumption that women are capable of any magnitude of sacrifice for men — develops a unique form of psychiatric treatment wherein beautiful nurses are encouraged to provide maternal or romantic care (or both, simultaneously) to handsome young male patients.
Meanwhile there are terrible attempts at comic relief, built around the gag that the inmates are unsupervised and have the run of the institute — thus, when a patient's visiting relative meets a doctor, each man briefly thinks the other must be a "paagal", and situation comedy of some form develops. (When the error is cleared up they chuckle with relief, secure in the misguided knowledge that they are both sane after all.) The real patients spend their time making facial gestures lifted from the Dummies' Guide to Playing Mental Patients. Through all this, Colonel Sahab stalks the corridors with his stooges, discussing which patient they ought to administer an "electric shock" to next. (You suspect that whenever the good Colonel is out of ideas he turns to a lackey and says "Still two hours before closing time? Let's go and give number 18 patient a 2,000-volt dose. Where's that new generator I ordered?")
It's hard to explain how all this baloney can possibly coexist with the heartfelt sincerity of Waheeda Rehman's acting — there are moments in her performance when she seems to be working almost in isolation, oblivious to the silliness of the man she calls boss; some of the scenes between her and Colonel Sahab are a demonstration of how the sublime and the ridiculous can share the same frame. This can make Khamoshi a confounding film for any reviewer who might want to arrive at a definite judgement.
But to return to Thomson and his rhapsodising over that long sequence in Broadway Melody of 1940:
"It is heaven. I see no reason why there couldn't be a small corner in your house where this scene is playing on a loop all the time. After all, if you had a Rembrandt, you'd put it on your wall for as long as you could see, wouldn't you?"
I feel the same way about "Woh shaam kuch ajeeb thi" and a few of Waheeda Rehman's other scenes in Khamoshi. And dozens of other brilliant sequences from films that don't hold up as a whole. Watch out for more examples in future columns.

Governor Bhardwaj: Gandhi or goof?


As we write, there is near-unanimous consensus that Governor H R Bhardwaj has made a fool of himself by recommending president's rule in Karnataka.
The arguments against him are: (a) he is a goof incapable of rational action; (b) he is a Congress retainer who doesn't understand the idea of neutrality required of a governor; (c) he is acting at the behest of H D Deve Gowda, the wily old man of Karnataka politics; and (d) he is a lawyer who employed all his cleverness for a cause that backfired.
As if to confirm his worst critics, Bhardwaj is saying and doing the most astoundingly contradictory things.
A day after Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa paraded 114 MLAs before President Pratibha Patil, Bhardwaj suddenly changed his tune, praising Yeddyurappa's hard work and describing him as a "friend".
He also believes Yeddyurappa has the majority necessary to continue in power.
How did this U-turn come about? Did Bhardwaj's boss Pratibha Patil, besides his alleged party bosses Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, instruct him to pipe down? Has he suddenly realised that he was overstepping his gubernatorial brief? Has the media outrage curbed his plans of effecting a change of government at the Vidhana Soudha? Did fellow legal eagles in the Congress shoot down his proposals?
The reason for his about-turn could be one or more of these. In all this confusion, no one is giving him a chance: Could he be acting fairly, as a governor should, in not accepting the MLAs' support for Yeddyurappa?
What if he is doing his duty in spirit, if not so much in letter? The 11 BJP MLAs now proclaiming their unconditional support for Yeddyurappa were the very ones who started all the tamasha by threatening to bring down the government. The speaker then disqualified them, and the High Court said the speaker was right to throw them out. The speaker's decision was reversed in the Supreme Court last week.
These MLAs have used their power to destabilise the government. They have profited from blackmail, switching their positions with unabashed opportunism. They have switched loyalties and held Yeddyurappa to ransom time and time again. They have flirted with the JD(S) and the Congress, and made it impossible for the government to function smoothly. After some hard bargaining now, they are again pledging everlasting love for Yeddyurappa. Can citizens believe them? And if citizens can't, should Bhardwaj have believed them?
Legally, Yeddyurappa has the support of a majority of MLAs, who probably came together in fright when it looked like the government would fall. He has thanked Bhardwaj for helping unite the various factions within the party. It's no secret that many notorious characters in Yeddyurappa's cabinet would be in trouble if his government were to go.
Should such a government remain in power?
Bhardwaj is no Gandhi: as central law minister, he allegedly let the guilty off the hook in the Bofors case, and is accused of not doing right by the nation when other huge swindles and scandals came to light.
But what if, just what if, Bhardwaj as Karnataka governor is breaking procedural propriety to serve the larger cause of conscience keeping? Smirk all you like. What if we saw Bhardwaj as a bungler who just might have got something right, even if by goofing up?

Kids These Days


My fellow columnist Deepak Shenoy is a cheap guy. He's supposed to write a finance column - sober, straightforward, and professional - but he is funny when he does this. This is outrageous. The humour is supposed to be left to me and Anand Ramachandran. As Majikthise and Vroomfondel put it, "Demarcation, that's the problem!"
To show Deepak that he can't just walk into rigidly defined areas of humour without facing the consequences, I am retaliating with a column about finance. Specifically, I am going to rant about the worst thing about insurance today.
The worst thing about insurance is not that the regulator is mildly clueless. It's not even that insurance companies insist on selling you ULIPs where you don't see your money again for ten years. It isn't even the compulsory medical test (with twelve hours fasting!) that you have to endure to get life insurance.
It's the advertising.
In the good old days, insurance ads used to play on your insecurities. They used to tell you that even if you died, your widow would have the money to marry off your daughter. And you know what? That's what insurance is supposed to do! But now we have all this newfangled advertising which is supposed to give you a good feeling instead of playing on your fears.
For a brief period this meant that we had insurance ads with cute curly haired girls. Incidentally, in both the ads I linked to, the characters are named Sharma. It's tempting to imagine that they're both the same family, except in parallel universes. In one reality, Mr Sharma didn't die, his daughter bought him a car instead of getting married, and we actually got to see her on screen. But this was too good to last, and now we have a situation where insurance ads are full of kids.
It would be one thing if this was only for the child plans, but kids show up even in ads for pensions1. To be fair, in the pensions ads they don't speak. In the child plan ads they do, and they're insufferably smug. They're always faking a bad report card or wanting new parents. Rascals.
The kids in the child plan ads these days are also always boys, in sharp contrast to the earlier golden age of cute curly haired young women and for that matter even cute straight haired young women (bonus awesomeness in that ad: she's reading Marjane Satrapi's Embroideries, a graphic novel about old Iranian aunties sitting around and talking about the cost of hymen reconstruction surgeries. Pwnage.). And instead of using their insurance plan money to buy their dad a car, they use their parents' money for their own education. Like I said. Rascals.
I don't know whether this absence of girl children is because insurance companies feel their customers don't want to educate their daughters, or because being insurance companies, they don't want to take unnecessary actuarial risks on the daughter in question surviving. It can't be because the child sex ratio is already so low that they can't find a little girl to model for them - I mean, Dairy Milk found one. The Dairy Milk little girl is a spoilt brat2, though, which suggests that the trend of smarmy kids is now spreading beyond the insurance industry. In the past, I had wished for fewer ads with celebrities in them, but I didn't know that the alternative would be this horrific. It's like The Monkey's Paw - the wish came true, but in a grotesque, twisted way.
To see how far this malaise can go, look at the Voltas AC ad. Here, there is no longer just one kid. Instead, there is a roving, almost feral, band of them. They invade peoples' houses without compunction or mercy. And that isn't the most alarming thing. It's the reaction of the people facing the invasion. You, dear reader, are a sensible person and would be surprised and alarmed to wake up to strange children demanding that you change your AC settings. The woman in the ad doesn't. She simpers beatifically. This may be the result of years of seeing kids doing strange things in ads. Clearly, a nightmare future lies ahead.
Other nations have enacted legislation to protect children from being manipulated by advertising. There cannot be advertisements with cartoon characters, or which are blatantly targeted to children. In India, we need to look at this from the opposite angle - we need rules to protect advertisements from containing children, and adults from being manipulated by cute children3. I hope that the government takes up this issue soon. After all, it's as important as all the other stuff it does - preparing Most Wanted lists, managing Air India, and censoring the internet.
1: Pension plan ads are slightly pointless, though. If you're as rich as my friend Kodhi (who is also tall, funny, and single) you don't really need a pension plan. And if you do need a pension, an insurance company isn't necessarily the best option. You should ask Deepak to do a column on how to plan for retirement properly.
2: My darling girlfriend sympathises with the little girl, though, on the grounds that life for an only child is tough and chocolate is delicious. This shows her sweet, loving nature (my girlfriend's, not the little girl's).
3: I am cool with being manipulated by adults, though. Like the thatha in this ad. Whattaguy.

Practically no work was done by Left Front govt in WB: Mamata


Kolkata, May 21 : Taking stock of the functioning of various departments, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today attacked the Left Front rule in West Bengal, saying "practically no work" has been done.
On her second day in office, Banerjee said, "I called all the departments, particularly health, land and land reforms, power, agriculture and education."
"It has become clear after having detailed discussions with the secretaries of the departments that practically no work has been done over many years during the Left Front''s rule," she told reporters.
Getting down to business, the 56-year-old chief minister asked the battery of waiting cameramen not to follow her and allow her to work.
"I have to do a lot of work. What is the use of taking so many pictures of me?" she asked lensmen while entering her office accompanied by city Mayor Sovan Chatterjee.
Arriving at the Writers'' Building at 12 noon, she held a series of meetings with the departments she holds to get a first-hand knowledge of the state of affairs in the administration.
The chief minister will look after the portfolios of home, land and land reforms, power, agriculture, hill affairs and minority affairs.
Banerjee, who has stated that she will have a Chief Minister''s Office on the lines of the PMO, said the CM''s secretariat would be expanded to facilitate speedy work.
The chief minister has convened a meeting of all DMs and SPs on Tuesday afternoon to review the overall law and order situation in the state.
Meanwhile, the newly-appointed ministers formally took charge and had meetings with their respective secretaries.
Today being a Saturday, the flurry of activity seen in the corridors of the secretariat was unusual as previously it used to be a holiday.

Manmohan speaks to Obama


New Delhi, May 9 : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Monday spoke to US President Barack Obama over phone and discussed the situation in the region, exactly a week after the killing of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
A PMO spokesman said Singh and Obama discussed further growth and development of Indo-US relations and the situation in the region.
He said the conversation was warm and covered wide-ranging subjects.
Sources, however, did not say whether issues related to Osama's killing figured in the talks.
The conversation between the two leaders comes as the US president in a TV interview expressed apprehension that some people in the Pakistan government may have been involved in providing support structure for Osama, who was killed in the garrison town Abbottabad.
This is the first conversation between the Indian prime minister and the US president since Osama was killed May 2 in a raid by US commandos in Abbottabad.
Earlier, in Islamabad, Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said that Pakistan had not created Al Qaeda or invited Osama. He accepted 'intelligence failure' over the presence of the Al Qaeda chief in Pakistani territory for the past few years.
In his comments after Osama's killing, the prime minister had termed it as a significant step forward and called upon the international community and Pakistan in particular to work comprehensively to end the activities of all terror groups.
The prime minister had hoped that Osama's elimination would deal a decisive blow to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
The Indian government had also taken note of the fact that the killing of Osama had taken place in Abbottabad 'deep inside Pakistan' and had underlined its concerns that terrorists belonging to different organisations find sanctuary in the neighbouring country.
It said that perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attack, including the controllers and handlers of the terrorists who actually carried out the attack, continue to be sheltered in Pakistan and had called upon the neighbouring country to arrest the people whose names have been handed over.
In another development related to 2008 Mumbai terror attack, the second chargesheet filed in a US court against Tahawwur Rana, one of the plotters of the attack names Major Iqbal, a suspected officer of Pakistan's ISI spy agency, as one of the five accused.
According to officials, the April 26 chargesheet has also named Sajid Mir, Abu Qahfa, Mazhar Iqbal and Lashkar Member D. Among the Pakistani men, four are wanted by India in the Mumbai terror strike that left 166 people dead over three days of mayhem Nov 26-29, 2008.

India launches communication satellite GSAT-8 successfully


Bangalore, May 21 ): India's advanced communication satellite, GSAT-8, was on Saturday successfully launched by the Ariane-V launch vehicle of Arianespace from Kourou, French Guiana.
GSAT-8 was injected into space by European launcher Arianespace's Ariane 5 rocket which lifted-off at 2.08 a.m. with Japan's ST-2 spacecraft as co-passenger.
Weighing 3,100 kg at lift-off, GSAT-8 is one of the heaviest and high-powered satellites built by the Bangalore-headquartered Indian Space Research Organisation.
The satellite was captured in three axis stabilisation mode. It will boost Direct to Home Services in the country.
The 24 Ku band transponders will augment the capacity in the INSAT system.
The GAGAN payload provides the Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS), through which the accuracy of the positioning information obtained from the GPS Satellite is improved by a network of ground based receivers and made available to the users in Aviation sector in the country through the geo-stationary satellites.

NCW says women molested in Bhatta-Parsaul, seeks CBI probe


New Delhi, May 21 : Backing Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's claim that women were raped and molested in Uttar Pradesh's Bhatta-Parsaul village, the National Commission for Women (NCW) Saturday demanded a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the matter.
'We have prepared a preliminary report which states that the women in the village have been molested and sexually assaulted. There are allegations that they have been raped but it could be confirmed only after all the investigations are over,' said Yasmeen Abrar, acting NCW chairperson, demanding a CBI inquiry into the incidents.
The village in Greater Noida, near the Indian capital, has become the epicentre of the movement against land acquisition for an expressway project.
An NCW team which visited the village May 12 noticed ransacked homes, horrified women, hungry and helpless children and bones of human beings lying in the ashes on the ground.
'There are bones of human beings lying with the ashes of burnt bodies. The family members of the villagers have been burnt alive. The burnt houses bear the marks of flames on the walls. Villagers, especially women, are not just broken, but terrified,' said Abrar.
An NCW team visited the village after a delegation of villagers met its officials and alleged rape, molestation and sexual assault of women by policemen countering protests over land takeover.
Supporting Gandhi's claim that women were molested in the village, the report said the women alleged that a group of about 10-12 policemen tore their clothes, paraded them naked and teased them.
Besides demanding an inquiry into the matter, the report also asked the government to deploy women constables and lodge a first information report (FIR) on the victims' complaint.
'Till now, not even a single FIR has been lodged, neither is there any women constable for rescue (of women)...we request for a CBI probe as police is itself a party in the crime,' said the report.
According to the report, women in the village go out in groups as they were terrified of police.
Meanwhile, reacting to the forensic examination done by the state government to check if there were any human bones in the heaps of ashes in the village, Abrar said: 'I do not believe in the forensic report which denies the presence of any human bones in the village. We have got certain proofs and pictures, which we cannot disclose now, to prove it.'
The report also has testimonies of around 20 villagers with their signatures that describe the condition of villagers and all that they have been going through.
The women rights panel would be submitting the report to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
A fresh 11-member team comprising retired judges, lawyers, social activists, civil society members and some NCW members would be visiting the village in a couple of days to work on the second report.
'This time, we will bring more facts and proof along with us to prove the negligence of the Uttar Pradesh government,' said Abrar, who would be heading the 11-member team.
Gandhi earlier staged a daylong sit-in to back the farmers' demand for higher compensation for land takeover after a clash saw four people, including two policemen, killed in firing May 7.
He also met the prime minister with a delegation of farmers from Bhatta-Parsaul and handed over pictures of ashes with bones, injured people and ransacked houses.
He quoted villagers speaking of 'mass murders, repression and rapes' by police in the village.

BJP stages anti- Governor protest in Karnataka


Bangalore, May 21 : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday intensified its agitation against Karnataka Governor HR Bhardwaj.
The agitation is a twin-pronged move with two teams of BJP leaders traversing through 11 districts for five days.
A team led by Yeddyurappa will tour Raichur (May 21), Mangalore (May 22), Tumkur (May 23), Kolar (May 24) and Bagalkot (May 25) as part of the campaign.
A team led by State unit President K S Eswarappa will carry on agitation in Mysore (May 21), Chitradurga and Bellary (May 22), Koppal (May 23), Gulbarga (May 24) and Bidar (May 25).
On Wednesday, Bhardwaj told Yeddyurappa that he expected the Centre's decision on his recommendation for imposition of President's Rule by Thursday.
Apparently awaiting the Centre's move, Bhardwaj asked Yeddyurappa to wait for a day or two for his decision on the state cabinet recommendation for convening the Assembly.
Yeddyurappa had on Sunday shot off a protest letter to President Pratiba Patil, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram against Governor Bhardwaj's move to recommend President's rule in Karnataka.
He appealed to them to prevent a constitutional crisis in Karnataka.
The report from Bhardwaj came in the wake of Supreme Court reversing the Karnataka high court decision disqualifying 11 BJP rebel MLAs and five independents ahead of the October 10, 2010 floor test in the assembly.
A rebellion by some lawmakers last year had reduced the Yeddyurappa ministry to a minority in the 225-member Assembly, leading Bhardwaj to order the Chief Minister to seek a trust vote.
Bhardwaj ordered another trust vote, which Yeddyurappa won on October 14 with 106 votes in favour and 100 against.
Of the 11 BJP rebels who had won back their membership, 10 again expressed their support to Yeddyurappa on Monday, while the 11th refused to do so.

Adarsh Society was proposed much prior to Kargil, panel told


Mumbai, May 21 :Chief promoter and secretary of the controversial Adarsh Housing Society has told a judicial panel, probing the scam, that the complex was proposed much before the Kargil war and hence the reports of it being reserved for war heroes and their widows are false.
R C Thakur, a former officer with the defence estates office and an accused in the case, in an affidavit filed before the two-member inquiry Commission has said, "The Society was proposed much prior to the Kargil war and hence there was no question of it being reserved for Kargil war heroes and their widows."
The affidavit relies on a letter of intent dated January 18, 2003 issued by the Maharashtra government which does not impose any such condition on the Society in posh Colaba area.
The high-rise was constructed after obtaining permissions from authorities, the affidavit stated. "All applications for memberships were scrutinised and verified by the government before allowing them," it said.
The affidavit was filed after the Commission issued summons to Thakur.
The Commission, set up by the state government in January this year, is looking into issues such as whether the land was reserved for kin of Kargil war martyrs and alleged violation of Coastal Regulation Zone and environment rules.

Diplomatic cables show joint U.S.-Pakistan intelligence missions


ISLAMABAD - U.S. special forces were embedded with Pakistani troops on intelligence-gathering missions by the summer of 2009, confidential American diplomatic cables showed, a revelation that could hurt the Pakistani military's public image.
The disclosure comes a day after another set of cables showed that Pakistan's powerful army chief not only tacitly agreed to the covert U.S. drone campaign against militants, but asked for "continuous Predator coverage" of the tribal areas by these aircraft. The army denied the contents.
The local Dawn newspaper, which said it obtained the secret dispatches from WikiLeaks, said they reveal that U.S. special forces were deployed with Pakistani troops in joint operations in Pakistan by September of 2009.
"Through these embeds, we are assisting the Pakistanis collect and coordinate existing intelligence assets, the cables quoted then American ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson as saying.
Pakistan's powerful military faced rare criticism after a secret U.S. special forces raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden not far from the capital Islamabad this month.
The infuriated army said the assault, which has severely strained ties between the two countries, was a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty. But Pakistanis lashed out at the country's generals because they did not know about the raid.
Several cables showed the United States was eager to embed American troops with Pakistani soldiers, Dawn reported.
Patterson wrote in November of 2009 of the possibility that "operations in the northern FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) may provide additional opportunities to embed US Special Operations Forces ... ".
FATA is seen as a global hub for militants, including al Qaeda and Afghan militant factions who cross the border and attack U.S.-led NATO forces and Afghan troops.
By September 2009, plans for the joint intelligence activities had been expanded to include army headquarters, according to the cables.
"Pakistan has begun to accept intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support from the US military for COIN (counterinsurgency) operations," Patterson wrote.
"In addition intelligence fusion centers" had been established "at the headquarters of Frontier Corps and the 11th Corps and we expect at additional sites, including GHQ and the 12th Corps in Balochistan."
Pakistani military officials were not immediately available for comment on the cables.
The presence of U.S. trainers in Pakistan has been publicly acknowledged, but such joint operations have not.
Anti-American sentiment runs high in Pakistan, partly because of the drone strikes on militants, which are seen as a violation of sovereignty and have killed civilians.
According to cables published by Dawn on Friday, Pakistan's chief of army staff General Ashfaq Kayani asked Admiral William J. Fallon, then commander of U.S. Central Command, for increased surveillance and round-the-clock Predator coverage over North and South Waziristan, strongholds for Taliban militants.
The Pakistan Army denied the contents of those cables.
Pakistanis are frustrated by their government's inability to subdue al Qaeda-linked homegrown Taliban militants, who seem to stage suicide bombings at will despite a series of military offensives on their strongholds.
Pakistan has come under further U.S. pressure to crack down harder on militancy since it was discovered bin Laden was living in a garrison town not far from intelligence headquarters.
Cooperation between Islamabad and Washington is needed to stabilise neighbouring Afghanistan.
"Previously, the Pakistani military leadership adamantly opposed letting us embed our special operations personnel with their military forces. The recent approval by GHQ appears to represent a sea change in Pakistani thinking, said a 2009 U.S. cable carried by Dawn.
"These deployments are highly politically sensitive. Should [they] receive any coverage in the Pakistani or US media, the Pakistani military will likely stop making requests for such assistance."

Kanimozhi's arrest not to impact UPA, says Congress


New Delhi, May 20:The Congress Friday refused to comment on the arrest of DMK MP Kanimozhi in the 2G spectrum case, but said the development will have no impact on the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA).
Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi said it was not necessary for a political party to comment upon ongoing judicial proceedings involving merits of individual cases.
'This is a matter between the accused concerned, the relevant court and the lawyer concerned... You can be rest assured that this being an individual matter between investigating agencies and accused persons, there is absolutely no connection with or impact on the alliance which continues as we had said earlier,' Singhvi said.
He said all parties have legal rights and recourse to appellate legal remedies.
'There is absolutely no impact on the coalition which remains as before,' Singhvi said.
The DMK with its 18 MPs is a major partner of the ruling UPA at the centre and has two union ministers in the cabinet.
DMK MP Kanimozhi and Kalaignar TV chief Sharad Kumar, named as co-conspirators in the 2G spectrum scam, were Friday taken into custody after a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court rejected their bail pleas.
Kanimozhi, daughter of DMK supremo M. Karunanidhi, is a stake-holder in Kalaignar TV.

Jan Lokpal Bill offers immunity to none except Prez: Hegde


Hyderabad, May 20: Karnataka Lokayukta Justice N Santosh Hegde today said the proposed Jan Lokpal Bill against corruption offers immunity to no one except the President of India and the Governor.
"According to Jan Lokpal Bill, there is no immunity except for those who have been given immunity under the Constitution of India -- which is the President of India and the Governor in some cases... and I agree with this," said Hegde, who is a part of the 10-member Joint Drafting Committee, on the sidelines of a function here.
Hegde said if there are allegations against the Lokpal, a seven-judge bench of the Supreme Court would hear the complaint, investigate it, and if found true, make a recommendation to the President to remove the Lokpal.
Hegde said three meetings of the committee, comprising representatives of government and civil society, have been held so far, and the fourth meeting would be held on Monday.
Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had said the meetings could be conducted on a day-to-day basis, he added.
"The third meet was quite fruitful. The government opened up its mind with regard to certain sections of the Jan Lokpal Bill. We had discussions with regard to (brining under the ambit of the Jan Lokpal Bill) the Prime Minister and the higher judiciary. But no final conclusion has been arrived yet. But we have started, now, going into the crux of the matter," Justice Hegde said.
"I''m of positive view that things would move in one direction."

Jagan Mohan issue comes in focus at Andhra cabinet


Hyderabad, May 20 : The alleged presence of the sympathisers of the Kadapa MP Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy in the N Kiran Kumar Reddy Cabinet became a topic of debate today following the allegations by some senior leaders in this regard.
Senior party leader and MLC K R Amos hit out at Jagan saying all those who are sympathetic towards him should leave. "You (Jagan)take all the covert leaders you have. Why should you say that Congress would come down soon?" he said. He added that if Jagan had the power to pull down the government, he should prove so.
State Rural Development Minister D Manikya Vara Prasad denied that there were any leaders sympathetic towards Jagan. "Those, who are loyal to the Chief Minister and the party high command, will remain so and all those in the Cabinet are party loyalists," he said.
Education Minister S Sailajanath said Congress leadership is competent enough to deal with those who work against party interests. "Congress has got a strong network and can recognise those working for the party and those working against it," he said.
The issue of sympathisers came in focus in the aftermath of the visit of Congress general secretary, in-charge of party affairs in AP Ghulam Nabi Azad to the city this week. Azad was in Hyderabad for two day to take stock of party affairs. He held meetings with a number of Congress leaders.
Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who will visit the national capital tomorrow, is likely to discuss various party affairs with the leadership.

Obama faces narrower path to 2012 re-election


WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's path to re-election in 2012 is likely to be narrower than in his first campaign because he is at risk of losing several traditionally Republican states he captured in 2008.
Obama dramatically expanded the political playing field in 2008, competing and winning in states that had not backed a Democrat for president in a generation, but next year's map could look more like President George W. Bush's tight 2004 re-election win over Democrat John Kerry.
The sputtering economy and unhappiness with Obama's leadership have battered his popularity nationwide, hitting him particularly hard in conservative states like North Carolina, Indiana and Virginia where in 2008 he broke Democratic losing streaks dating to the 1960s.
High unemployment and a declining manufacturing industry also have helped drive down his poll numbers in traditional Rust Belt battlegrounds like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, which are crucial to his hopes of putting together the 270 electoral votes needed for re-election.
Obama won 365 electoral votes, awarded on a state-by-state basis, in a smashing 2008 victory that gave him 95 electoral votes to spare. This time around, his margin for error will be smaller, Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown said.
"He has a cushion, but it's going to be a lot closer than in 2008," Brown said. "It is hard to see, given the current situation, Obama winning states in 2012 that he did not win in 2008. The question is, how many more states does he lose?"
The Obama campaign has promised to push hard to compete in states like North Carolina and Virginia, where he was helped last time by a big voter turnout among blacks. In a sign of the commitment, the Democratic nominating convention will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina.
It was chosen over St. Louis, Missouri -- a state Obama narrowly lost in 2008 that many Democrats believe has drifted even further toward Republicans. Conservative Indiana also appears likely to be less welcoming to Obama.
Republicans scored big wins in Congress and governor's races last year on concerns about the economy and deficits, and Republican strategists say Obama will have a tougher campaign task in 2012 selling his record on spending and healthcare.
"Last time Obama was able to get elected on inspiration -- he would change Washington, he's a new kind of leader, he was not George Bush," Republican strategist Jim Dyke said.
"There wasn't much of a record to judge him on and that will be different this time," he said. "He may still have that rhetorical flourish in his voice, but his hands are full of some very heavy policy positions he will have to explain."
In addition to the traditional big three battlegrounds -- Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida -- Nevada and Colorado will be critical to Obama's hopes.
Those two Western states and New Mexico are home to big Hispanic populations that Democrats hope will create a Western stronghold in 2012. Some Democrats hope to add Arizona to the mix.
Obama has stepped up his push for immigration reform on the campaign trail despite little chance for congressional approval before the election. Polls show Republican resistance on the issue has hardened Hispanic support for Democrats.
"No matter who is on their ticket, Republicans are going to have problems in 2012 with Latino voters," said Simon Rosenberg, head of the Democratic advocacy group NDN. Hispanics also could have an impact in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and be a factor in a few other states, he said.
A video featuring Obama campaign boss Jim Messina last month highlighted the importance of defending 12 states Obama won in 2008 by less than 15 percentage points -- Nevada, Iowa, Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida.
In 2004, Democrat Kerry won only four of those -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.
"Republicans are going to be fired up to take on President Obama," Messina said in the video, sent to Obama supporters. "This is not 2008."
The reapportionment of electoral votes based on the 2010 Census also will shift a few votes to Republican-leaning states. In 2008, Obama won eight of the 10 states losing seats.
The stubbornly high unemployment rate also will be vital to Obama's hopes, and several crucial 2012 battlegrounds have unemployment rates above the national average of 9 percent.
Nevada, where an influx of new residents and the growing Hispanic population propelled Obama to a 2008 win, has the highest state unemployment rate at 11.9 percent. Florida and North Carolina also have unemployment rates above 9 percent.
Rosenberg said the political map would be heavily influenced by how the economy fares in the next 18 months.
"A year from now, if the economy is in good shape, Obama gets re-elected. If it's not, he doesn't. It's that simple," he said.

Kanimozhi lodged in 15ftx10ft cell at Tihar Jail


New Delhi, May 20 : DMK MP Kanimozhi was today lodged in a 15 ftx10 ft cell at the Tihar Jail after being sent there for her role in the 2G spectrum case, far from the air-conditioning and other comforts which she is used to at her palatial bungalow in Chennai''s CIT colony.
43-year-old Kanimozhi was taken to Jail No 6 by women personnel after a special CBI court rejected her bail plea and order her "forthwith" arrest.
A woman police personnel was seen holding Kanimozhi''s hands when she was taken from the Patiala House complex.
According to jail officials, Kanimozhi will have access to a television set, newspapers, a ceiling fan and a cot in her 15ft x 10 ft cell.
Madhuri Gupta, a former official of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad arrested on charges of spying, Sonu Punjaban, arrested in the biggest prostitution network in Delhi and NCR through "word of mouth" and Sharda Jain, who was given a life term last year for her role in the murder of city councillor Atma Ram Gupta too are lodged in jail no. six.
Co-accused in the case Sharad Kumar, MD of Kalaignar TV, will be kept in jail no four.
Kumar will join former NALCO CMD Abhay Kumar Srivastava and sacked CWG Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi in jail no four.

Shahrukh had a crush on Mumtaz, Saira Bano


Mumbai, May 20 : Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan, who has an enviable female fan following, confesses to having a crush on yesteryear actresses, Mumtaz and Saira Bano.
"My first two crushes have been Mumtaz ji and Saira ji. Now I address them with a ''ji''. I always felt that they were the most beautiful ladies in the world. My father used to find Madhubala ji very beautiful," Shah Rukh told reporters here at the sidelines of the music launch of his upcoming production movie ''Always Kabhi Kabhi''.
The actor said that he used to shake a leg when he heard songs picturised on the two actresses.
"I remember Sairaji''s ''Bhai Batur''. She was in a tub in the video. Even I would get into a tub and dance. Then there was Mumtazji''s ''Chakke Mein Chakka''," he said.
Asked if he had a crush on any of the actresses from the current league, Shahrukh, known for his witty answers said, "Times have changed. Now the girls have crushes on me."
''Always Kabhi Kabhi'', produced by SRK''s Red Chillies Entertainment will see producer Karim Morani''s daughter Zoa, Giselle Monterio, who played Harleen alongside Saif Ali Khan in ''Love Aaj Kal'', Satyajit Dubey and Ali Fazal, who played John Lobo in ''3 Idiots'', in lead roles.
Directed by debutante Roshan Abbas, ''Always Kabhi Kabhi'' is based on the theme of high-school life. The film is slated to release on June 17.

Fugitive blooper: CBI withdraws RCN list from its web site


New Delhi, May 20 : Embarrassed over the goof up in the list of wanted accused, the CBI today withdrew the list of accused for whom Interpol Red Corner Notice had been given as those wanted by the agency in connection with other cases.
The list was taken off from the official website of CBI after the agency announced late last night that it will update the list before making it public.
The action comes close on the heels after it was found that an accused -- Feroz Abdul Khan who figured on the list of 50 accused sent to Pakistan was languishing in Arthur Road Prison in Mumbai.
CBI had issued an Interpol Red Corner Notice against Khan in 1994 but the notice was not withdrawn even after the agency has got his custody.
Khan is alleged to have facilitated transport and distribution of arms and ammunitions during the blast and subsequently. Mumbai police had alleged that following Dawood Ibrahim''s instructions, Khan arranged for landing of arms allegedly used in the blast.
After the blooper came to light, CBI Director A P Singh ordered a complete review of the Interpol wing and the most wanted list will be thoroughly scrutinised in consultation with state police and other agencies.
In the second instance, the name of Raj Kumar Meghen, a United National Liberation Front leader, figures in the list. He is now in the custody of the National Investigation Agency. His name continues to figure on the Interpol watch list for terrorism, use of explosives and organised crime.
Earlier, Wazhur Kamar Khan, whose name had also figured in India''s most wanted list handed over to Pakistan, was traced to Mumbai.

Authorities not to allow proposed Hurriyat rally tomorrow


Srinagar, May 20 : Authorities here tonight decided not to allow the proposed rally of moderate Hurriyat Conference headed by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq at Eidgah in downtown Srinagar in view of killing of Maulvi Showkat Ahmad Shah last month.
The decision not to allow the rally at Eidgah, held every year to pay tributes to slain separatist leaders Mirwaiz Mohammad Farooq and Abdul Gani Lone, was taken at a high level meeting of police, intelligence and civil administration officials here, official sources said.
They said there were "apprehensions that elements inimical to peace and stability in Kasmir" might take advantage of the large gathering to target the leaders present there.
They said keeping in view the killing of Jamiat-e-Ahli Hadees chief outside a mosque at Maisuma last month and killing of Abdul Gani Lone at a similar rally in 2002, it was decided that no congregation will be allowed at Eidgah.
The sources said large number of police and paramilitary CRPF personnel have been deployed in five police station areas in old city to prevent any gathering of people.
Earlier in the day, Mirwaiz had announced that Hurriyat Conference will lay a foundation for a Martyrs� Memorial at the Eidgah graveyard.
The Hurriyat Chairman claimed that senior civil administration and police officials visited his residence and asked him not to go ahead with the construction of the memorial.
"I told the officials that every nation has a memorial for their martyrs and we are going to have one for ours. We are not going to call of the programme," he said.

Portfolios of West Bengal council of ministers


Kolkata, May 21 : Following is the list of West Bengal ministers with their portfolios announced after midnight Friday:
Chief Minister: Mamata Banerjee - Home, Health, Land and Land Reforms, Agriculture, Information and Cultural Affairs, Hill Affairs, Minority Affairs, Madrasah Education, Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Power
Cabinet Ministers:
1) Subrata Buxi - Public Works Department, Transport
2) Partha Chatterjee - Industry and Commerce and Parliamentary Affairs, Public Enterprises, Industrial Reconstitution, Information Technology
3) Amit Mitra - Finance, Excise, Textile
4) Manish Gupta - Development and Planning
5) Subrata Mukherjee - Public Health Engineering
6) Abdul Karim Chowdhury - Mass Education Extension and Library Services
7) Sadhan Pande - Consumer Affairs
8) Upendranath Biswas - Backward Classes Welfare
9) Javed Khan - Disaster Management, Fire and Emergency Services, Civil Defence
10) Rabindranath Bhattacharjee - School Education
11) Sabitri Mitra - Woman and Child Development and Social Welfare
12) Jyotipriya Mullick - Food and Supplies
13) Shantiram Mahato - Self Help Group and Self-employment
14) H.A. Sawfi - Cooperation, Inland Water Transport
15) Malay Ghatak - Law and Judiciary
16) Purnendu Bose - Labour
17) Bratya Basu - Higher Education
18) Rachpal Singh - Tourism
19) Hiten Burman - Forest
20) Gautam Deb - North Bengal Development
21) Noor-e-Alam Chowdhury - Animal Resource Development
22) Shankar Chakrabarty - Non-conventional Energy Sources, Correctional Administration
23) Rabiranjan Chatterjee - Technical Education and Training, Science and Technology, Biotechnology
24) Sudarshan Ghosh Dastidar - Environment
25) Ujjal Biswas - Youth Services
26) Shyamapada Mukherjee - Housing
27) Firhad Hakim - Municipal Affairs and Urban Development
28) Sukumar Hansda - Western Zone Development Affairs
29) Soumen Mahapatra - Water Resources Investigation and Development
30) Arup Roy - Agricultural Marketing
31) Chandranath Sinha - Panchayat and Rural Development
32) Manas Bhuniya - (Cong) Irrigation and Waterways, Micro and Small scale Industries
33) Abu Hena - (Cong) Fisheries, Food Processing Industries
Ministers of State:
1) Manjulkrishna Thakur - Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation (Independent Charge) Micro and Small Scale Enterprise and Textile
2) Madan Mitra - Sports (Independent Charge)
3) Subrata Saha - Public Works
4) Shyamal Mandal - Sundarban Affairs (Independent Charge), Irrigation and Waterways

400 acres to be returned to Singur farmers: Mamata


Kolkata: Hours after being sworn in, the new West Bengal government of Mamata Banerjee Friday decided to return to farmers 400 acres of land taken against their will by the previous Left Front regime for the Tata Motors small car Nano project at Singur.
Announcing the decision taken at its first cabinet meeting at a media conference in the state secretariat, Banerjee said the Tatas were free to set up a factory in the remaining around 600 acres in the Hooghly district rural belt.
'The cabinet decision is to return 400 acres to farmers from whom land had been taken against their will. If the Tatas are interested in investing, they can set up the factory in the remaining 600 acres,' Banerjee said hours after being sworn in as the state's first woman chief minister.
Asked whether it was possible legally to return land once acquired, she replied: 'You don't have to think about that. The government has taken a decision. The government will do everything legally.'
Asked whether she would invite the Tatas to invest in Bengal, she said: 'I think they will invite themselves to Bengal to invest. Everybody is welcome to come to Bengal'.
She avoided a query as to whether she could give a deadline for returning the 400 acres. 'We have just started and you are asking for a deadline. I have given you a boundary line,' Banerjee quipped.
Banerjee's Trinamool Congress, decimated in the 2006 Assembly polls, saw its political graph climb again after it spearheaded a peasants agitation against the state government's acquisition of land for the Nano project demanding that 400 acres out of a total 997.11 acres be returned to farmers as it was taken against 'their will'.
Faced with the sustained and intense protests, the Tata Motors shifted the plant to Sanand in Gujarat. The agitation helped in turning the fortunes for Trinamool, which in later years went from strength to strength to unseat the 34-year-old Left front government in the recent assembly elections and take over power in alliance with the Congress.
Tata Motors still holds the lease of the factory.
Trinamool had then made a strong pitch for bringing into public domain the deal signed between Tata Motors and the state government.
'I have told my officials to show me the deal struck with the Tatas. We are transparent. Let me see the details,' Banerjee said to queries whether she will make the deal public.

I am interested in a consultancy job in IPL: Warne


Mumbai, May 20 : Australian spin legend Shane Warne, who played his final competitive game today, made it clear he won''t be returning as a full-time coach for the Rajasthan Royals or any other team next season but said he was interested in a consultancy role.
"This is my last game, never say never but at this stage of my life I don''t see myself playing a game again. I am certainly not coming back as full time coach," Warne said after bringing down curtains on his two-decade long career with a 10-wicket win over Mumbai.
"I won''t be 100 per cent in the entire tournament. Definitely no point in being here for seven weeks if you are not playing. I may come in as consultant may be ten days prior or some time in between. If they are happy I will be here for a week or so. If not I am done with the tournament will watch it on the telly," he added.
Warne said his team Rajasthan Royals was the best in the IPL competition when everything falls in place.
"We showed that when we do fire we are the best team in the competition. Our batsmen fired at the top," said the 41-year-old Australian legend after the Royals finished their IPL engagements on a high though they couldn''t qualify for the play-offs.
Warne said that the blistering knock of 89 by Shane Watson that flattened Mumbai who had a modest score of 133 to defend indicated his Australian compatriot was among the very best in the world.
"If Watson is not the best batsman in the world currently, I don''t know who is? He''s fantastic, you could argue if he is not he is among the top two batsmen in the world. He has already apologised to me for not doing it in the earlier games. He came away with his confidence high after scoring 180 in Bangladesh," he said.
Warne also rued that prior to today''s game, the Royals played poorly at home and lost their qualifying hopes.
"We won six games, had a washout and did not play well in the last three or four games. Disappointed with the way we have played the last three or four games. But the way we played the last game we have showed we can turn it on. One or two games here or there, that would have fetched us 17 points," he said.
"Unfortunately our batsmen did not fire through the tournament. If (Shane) Watson had one more innings like that, Ross Taylor had one or two innings like that, we would have been first or second."

Hasan Ali earned commission in Boeing-AI deal: ED report


Mumbai, May 20 : Pune-based stud farm owner Hasan Ali Khan, accused of money-laundering, earned USD 11.5 million as commission for facilitating sale of two Boeing 747 aircraft for USD 230 million to Air India during 1986-87, according to the Enforcement Directorate.
The information is contained in the report prepared by the ED in January 2007, which is a part of the annexure to the Enforcement Case Information Report (EICR).
EICR -- part of the charge sheet filed by ED against Khan recently -- says the commission amount was "purportedly not repatriated to India by RM Investments and Trading Co Ltd" (owned by co-accused Kashinath Tapuriah).
Further, "clear cut indications are there of corruption money involved in mega-transactional deals representing commission (which appear to be illegal) received on sale of Boeing Aircraft held by Air India".
According to the EICR, the transactions were a part of the series of transactions which involves several violations of Indian Banking laws.
"The unholy nexus of this huge amount of illegal money generated with subversive activities and terrorism needs a probe," the report says.
According to EICR, the volume of transactions, the nature, and their international links/ ramifications strongly indicate that origin of this money was of very suspicious nature.
"It is suspected that these accounts with such huge deposits contain money originating from various international destinations and are proceeds of heinous crimes such as terrorism, gun-running, corruption and organised forgery and fraud," the report says.

Friday, May 20, 2011

IT capital hides an underbelly of illiteracy


During the past 10 years when Bangalore grew as a boomtown of infotech it has also witnessed an increase in the number of people who cannot read and write. Bangalore has a comparatively high literacy rate of 88.48 per cent. But when Bangalore’s population jumped from about 65 lakhs to 96 lakhs the growth included an increased number of illiterates — 8,447 to be precise.

T K Anil Kumar, director, census operations ( Karnataka), said that literacy is a complex issue to understand. Experts said that though the number appears small, it in effect means more illiterate people are coming into Bangalore. Normally, as had happened elsewhere in the state — except Bangalore and Yadgir — the number of illiterates decrease as educational opportunities increase and a new literate generation enters the population.

A population growth of over 45 per cent indicates that migration accounts for about 30 per cent, pointed out Prof K S James, an expert in demography at the Institute for Social and Economic Change ( ISEC), Bangalore.

The natural growth is just about 15 per cent. “ Clearly there has been migration of illiterate groups.” There are large scale construction sites which attract migrant labourers.

“ It is surprising that Bangalore being a hub of knowledge shows pathetic performance on literacy,” said Prof R S Deshpande, director of ISEC. “ In Bangalore most of the corporate sector is happy with the cheap migrant labour. But rarely do they think about the children who are brought here.” Children migrating to Bangalore are often busy working or looking after their siblings, Deshpande added.

Child labour is still prevalent in Bangalore despite NGO inter vention and state- sponosored programmes. A nun who started a school in a poorer area of the city many years ago said she made the decision after seeing labourers going to work with their toddlers tied to a tree near the work area. Still there is no good institutional mechanism to look after labourers’ children.

There are policy issues too.

National Policy on Education 1986 and the Revised version of 1992 laid emphasis on strengthening school education as well as enhancing literacy rate.

Accordingly the National Literacy Mission was created and programmes were launched as part of Total Literacy Campaigns ( TLCs) across the Nation. “ It was literally a social movement,” said Dr Niranjanaradhya V P, fellow at the Centre for Child and the Law at NLSIU. It later got diluted and a project approach replaced this social movement with nontransparent initiatives supported by external agencies, he pointed out. “ We need to create reasonably good access to the children coming from marginalised communities to receive reasonably good quality education.” There should be a well- designed literacy programme for all who require it after 18 plus, connecting it to their day to day life. In metros like Bangalore the programme should be in more than one language.

Afghan prisoner commits suicide in Guantanamo Bay


Guantanamo Bay, May 20 : An Afghan inmate at the Guantanamo Bay prison has died in an apparent suicide case, US army officials said.
The prisoner - identified as Inayatullah - had been detained in the prison since 2007.
The US military said in a statement the prisoner was found 'unresponsive and not breathing'.
'After extensive life-saving measures had been exhausted, the detainee was pronounced dead by a physician,' the statement said.
This was reportedly the sixth prisoner suicide case since the detention centre opened in January 2002.

CBI admits goof-up, action against three for terror list error


New Delhi, May 19: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has owned up its mistake of including a man who is in a Mumbai jail in the the list of India's 50 Most Wanted fugitives allegedly hiding in Pakistan, an official said Thursday. An inspector has been suspended and two senior officers transferred for the lapse.
'They (the CBI) have admitted the mistake for erroneously including the name of Feroze Abdul Rashid Khan in the list given to Pakistan,' home ministry spokesperson Onkar Kedia told IANS.
Kedia said that the CBI had named 40 people and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had included 10 suspected terrorists in the Most Wanted list that was given to Pakistan during the home secretary level talks in March.
The CBI, the official said, 'has written to the home ministry saying that it had forgotten to remove the name from the list although the accused was in their custody'.
He said the NIA has checked with its list and the agency stands by the names forwarded to the home ministry.
The CBI, he added, is now rechecking the names of 40 people it had given after the second goof-up in the list.
Meanwhile, a CBI statement said: 'The CBI conducted a preliminary enquiry into the lapse. A inspector was suspended and a superintendent and deputy superintendent of police transferred.'
Elaborating on the lapse, CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra said: 'After the first lapse was discovered on May 17, the CBI ordered an enquiry and a review was undertaken. During that time, it was reveled that there is a person named Feroze Abdul Rashid Khan in the list of the most-wanted fugitive handed over the Pakistan. The information regarding the arrest of Khan was intimidated to the Interpol wing of CBI in February 2010.'
'The the lapse has occurred on the part of the officials in cancelling the name from the list. The CBI has taken action against them,' said Mishra adding that the director of CBI now is undertaking a complete review of the functioning of CBI's Interpol wing.
Feroze Khan, listed in the dossier as Most Wanted criminal No.24, was Thursday found to be in Mumbai's fortified Arthur Road Central Jail and facing trial in the March 12, 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case, official sources said.
The embarrassing revelation come two days after Wazhul Qamar Khan, accused number 42, and alleged to be in Pakistan, was found working and living with his family in Thane.
Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram had expressed regrets and Wazhul's name was struck off the list.

Auto strike cripples Delhi; unions refuse to budge


New Delhi, May 20 : It was a tough day Friday for Delhiites as thousands of autorickshaws went off the roads with the auto unions demanding that the Delhi government pay for the installation of Global Positioning System (GPS) devices in their vehicles.
'It's ridiculous to see such strikes crippling public transport. With buses that are already crowded and no certainty about their frequency, office-goers are bound to be dependent on autos,' said a furious Manvi Goel, who said she had no way to reach her office in Mehrauli from Sadiq Nagar in south Delhi.
'There is no metro line passing through this part of the city. I don't know if I'll be able to go to work,' Goel added.
More than half of Delhi's 55,000 autorickshaws went off the roads from Thursday midnight to protest the government directive for autorickshaws to be fitted with GPS devices to enable a two-way communication system that will help check speed, route deviation and ensure commuter safety.
With both the government and auto unions refusing to budge from their respective stands, Transport Minister Arvinder Singh Lovely met autorickshaw unions Thursday to resolve the issue.
'The minister refused to shift the deadline of installing GPS systems to June 1. The unions are still thinking over the government's plan of breaking down the installation cost of Rs.7,500 in instalments of Rs.625 per month for a year,' Rakesh Sood, Delhi unit president of the Bharatiya Private Transport Mazdoor Mahasangh, told IANS.
The cost of the device was initially estimated at Rs.15,000, but was later brought down to Rs.7,500 after negotiations.
'It is not just about GPS. We are also demanding the institution of a welfare board for autorickshaw drivers, pension and healthcare schemes for our families. As of now, it is an indefinite strike,' added Sood.
Commuters had no choice but to wait for buses or take the metro.
'There are no cabs for short distances, and even if they turn up they are full of tantrums. The only option left is to walk or take the bus to the nearest metro station,' said Shivani Sharma, a media professional in the capital.

Four cops, dozen Maoists killed in Maharashtra gun battles


Nagpur (Maharashtra), May 19: At least four policemen were killed when around 200 Maoists attacked two police teams in the thick forests of Maharashtra's Gadchiroli district, police said. At least a dozen rebels are suspected to have been killed in the gunfights.
The scene of the bloody jungle warfare was in Nargonda and Tadgaon areas, officials said.
Though the rebel toll has been put at a dozen, the security forces have managed to recover bodies of only two Maoists, including a woman, officials of the Anti-Naxal Operations (ANO) said.
The ANO control room said that at least 12 Maoists, who were seriously hurt in the police firing, are suspected to have been killed. Police have also recovered ammunition pouches of AK-47 assault rifles.
In Tadgaon, one police constable and two special police officers were killed and two policemen seriously injured.
In the second gunfight in Nargonda, a commando of the elite C-60 squad of the ANO fell to Maoist bullets.
State Home Minister R.R. Patil, who rushed to the district Thursday afternoon, was briefed on the incidents by ANO chief Sunil Ramanand.
'A major anti-Naxal operation is underway. They attacked the security forces who retaliated. There are two confirmed Moaist deaths and at least eight more are injured,' Patil told reporters.
Officials said the double attacks appeared to be well-planned by the Maoists in Nargonda and Tadgaon with more than 100 rebels involved at each location, ANO officials said.
'It could be a deliberate tactic to divide and confuse the security forces with an intention to inflict higher casualties on the law enforcers,' said an official.
On its part, the ANO responded with at least 50 officers and policemen battling the Maoists at each location.
The ANO personnel who were killed are Chinna Venta, Munshi Pungati, Sudhakar Mattami and Surendra Kotare, an official said.
Sadhu Palli and Shankar Govase were seriously injured and have been admitted to Gadchiroli hospital.
The district authorities have summoned additional forces from the neighbouring Chandrapur district to assist in the operations.
A helicopter was also used to pinpoint the rebel locations and later move the bodies of the security personnel.

CWG case: CBI files chargesheet against Kalmadi, others


New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Friday filed a chargesheet against two companies and 10 people in the case related to alleged irregularities in the preparations for the 2010 Commonwealth Games (CWG).
The chargesheet, the first in the case, names amongst others CWG Organising Committee heavyweights Suresh Kalmadi, Lalit Bhanot and V.K. Verma. The two companies are AKR Constructions and a Swiss timing firm.

Chidambaram should resign for terror list error: BJP


Lucknow, May 20:The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Friday said Home Minister P. Chidambaram should resign for India putting out an erroneous terror list of its 50 most wanted hiding in Pakistan.
'It's not a human error, it's a criminal error' and the home minister has 'no moral right to continue for even a second', BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said at a press conference here.
If the home minister continues, the prime minister should intervene and dismiss him, Naqvi said.
The Indian government was left red-faced after it put out a list of its 50 most wanted hiding in Pakistan, but it contained the name of a man who was actually living in India's Thane city. It also had the name of another man who was in a Mumbai jail.

Mamata Banerjee sworn in as Chief Minister of West Bengal


Kolkata, May 20 :Mamata Banerjee was today sworn in as the 11th Chief Minister of West Bengal as head of Trinamool Congress-Congress alliance ministry after 34 years of Left Front rule in the state.
Banerjee, dressed in a simple white sari, took the oath in Bengali, which was administered by Governor M K Narayanan at 1:01 PM, a time chosen by the Trinamool Congress supremo in the Raj Bhavan.
Banerjee, who set off from home after touching the feet of her mother Gayetri Devi, arrived at the Raj Bhavan in a black Santro car shortly before 1 PM after visiting the Kalighat Temple close to her Harish Chatterjee Street residence en route.
Alighting at the North gate of the Raj Bhavan she walked in amidst cheers and slogans from the people waiting outside in thousands.
Former Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Left Front Chairman Biman Bose were present at the ceremony.

2G scam probe: Kanimozhi denied bail, arrested


New Delhi: A special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court on Friday denied bail pleas of DMK MP Kanimozhi and Kalaignar TV chief Sharad Kumar, named as co-conspirators in the 2G spectrum scam.

The court directed the CBI to take her and Kalaignar TV Managing Director Sharath Kumar into judicial custody. The Rajya Sabha MP will be taken to Tihar jail.
The CBI had named Kanimozhi, daughter of DMK chief M. Karunanidhi, and Sharad Kumar as co-conspirators in its April 25 supplementary charge sheet after it traced an illegal money trail of Rs.214 crore in the scam.

She is accused of conspiring and accepting bribes to rig 2007/08 grants of lucrative telecoms licences.

Kanimozhi, clad in an orange salwar-kurta, looked calm as she entered the Patiala House Court complex accompanied by her husband Aravindan.

Earlier in the day, when the special judge said the order would 'take some time and come after 1 p.m.', Kanimozhi and Kumar looked relieved.

The 2G spectrum scam relates to irregularities in the allocation of airwaves to telecom companies that caused huge losses to the exchequer.

The scandal may have cost Asia's third-largest economy $39 billion in lost revenues, equivalent to the defence budget, sparking outrage against the government. Analysts say the scandal cost the DMK the election in Tamil Nadu.

This and several other corruption scandals in Singh's second term have battered the Congress-led coalition government, stymied its agenda for economic reform, and hurt foreign direct investment into one of the world's fastest-growing economies.

Kanimozhi has been charged with conspiracy and receiving bribes along with several of India's top business executives in the telecoms scandal. She denies the charges.

Her party colleague, the former telecoms minister Andimuthu Raja, has been arrested in the case. Others arrested include executives of Reliance ADA group and Sanjay Chandra, the managing director of Telenor's India partner Unitech. All accused deny the charges.
Two officials of ADAG, Gautam Doshi and Hari Nair, who were also named in the charge sheet, were present in the courtroom.

Cineyug Film's Karim Morani was not present as he got exemption from personal appearance due to his ill health, while Surendra Pipara of Reliance, who is in judicial custody, was not presented in the court as he is undergoing treatment for a heart problem at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

Kalaignar TV channel had earlier stated that the Rs.214 crore it got was a loan and paid back with interest.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another man in India's most wanted list for Pak in Mumbai


New Delhi: In yet another major embarrassment for the government, another "fugitive" named in India''s most wanted list handed over to Pakistan has been found in a jail in Mumbai, just days after the first such case came to light.
Feroz Abdul Khan, alias Hamza, 51, an accused in 1993 Mumbai blast case, was arrested from a village in Navi Mumbai February last year and was handed over to CBI for further investigation.
CBI had issued an Interpol Red Corner Notice against Khan in 1994 but the notice was not withdrawn even after the agency has got his custody.
"CBI has conveyed to the Home Ministry that the lapse was on the agency's part. When CBI forwarded the list to MHA, they forgot to delete the name of this person," a Home Ministry spokesperson said.
Khan is alleged to have facilitated transport and distribution of arms and ammunitions during the blast and subsequently. Mumbai police had alleged that following Dawood Ibrahim''s instructions, Khan arranged for landing of arms allegedly used in the blast.
"We are examining the matter and strict action will be intitiated against erring officials," CBI spokesperon Dharini Mishra said.
Earlier, Wazhur Kamar Khan, whose name had also figured in India''s most wanted list, was traced in Mumbai, in the first case of the goof-up.

JPC asks CAG to explain how 2G loss is Rs.1.76 lakh crore


New Delhi, May 19 : The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probing the alleged irregularities in the allocation of 2G spectrum licences Thursday decided to call the government auditor to explain on what basis it calculated the loss to the exchequer to be Rs.1.76 crore.
Comptroller and Auditor General of India Vinod Rai 'will be coming before the committee on May 30', JPC chairman P.C. Chacko told reporters.
'He will explain the Rs.1.76 crore scam and how the CAG has arrived at the figure,' Chacko said, referring to the latest report of the auditor that suggested jailed former IT and communication minister A. Raja, who is alleged to have sold the licences to private firms at throwaway prices, caused a presumptive loss of Rs.1.76 lakh crore.
During its second meeting since formation in February, the JPC also decided to call officials of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Enforcement Directorate and the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence June 7-8.
These agencies are also probing the alleged 2G scam which is said to be the biggest financial scandal in the history of independent India.
The JPC will start examining the witnesses from June 29.
In its first meeting Wednesday, the panel started to examine the telecom policy during the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rule to calculate the losses suffered during that period.
The committee has asked Telecom Secretary R. Chandrashekhar to quantify the losses suffered because of the migration policy for operators announced by the National Democratic Alliance government in 1999.
Former attorney general Soli Sorabjee, who had favoured the National Telecom Policy 1999, will also be summoned before the committee.
In 1999, the telecom ministry headed by the BJP's Pramod Mahajan shifted from a fixed licence fee model - when operators had to pay an annual fee of over Rs.2,000 crore - to a revenue-sharing arrangement under which fees ranged between Rs.5 crore and Rs.10 crore.
The 2000 report of the CAG said the shift caused a huge loss to the exchequer.
On Thursday, Telecom Secretary Chandrashekhar and Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) chairman J. Sarma, who appeared before the 30-member committee, separately gave detailed briefings on the history of India's telecom policy.
The panel members also went into matters related to the telecom business, allocation of spectrum and its pricing between 1998 and 2008.

Rahul''s charges of burning of men, rape baseless: UP govt


Lucknow, May 19 :Uttar Pradesh government today dismissed as baseless Rahul Gandhi''s allegations about burning of people and rape of women in Bhatta Parsaul, rocked by farmers'' agitation on land acquisition issue, and said preliminary forensic reports of ashes collected from the area have ruled out presence of any human remains.
Addressing a press conference on behalf of chief minister Mayawati, the state''s cabinet secretary Shashank Shekar Singh said prelimianry forensic reports have not found any human bone or remains ."There are traces of melted synthetic in the ash," he said.
Terming the charge on 74 people being killed there and women raped as "baseless and an effort to malign the state government", he suggested restraint over airing views which later require clarifications.
"It would be better if restraint is exercised and such baseless allegations are not issued which require clarifications later", he said. .

Former CPI-M lawmaker meets Mamata, wants to join Trinamool


Kolkata, May 18 : With the change of guard in the corridors of power in the state, a former Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) lawmaker Wednesday met Trinamool Congress supreme and chief minister-in-waiting Mamata Banerjee and expressed his wish to join her party.
'Yes today (Wednesday) I visited Mamata Banerjee's residence and chatted with her for more than 30 minutes. I congratulated her on her landslide victory,' Debendranath Biswas told IANS.
Biswas was an MLA from Ranaghat-East constituency in Nadia district from 2006-2011. This year he didn't contest the assembly elections.
'I have expressed my wish to join Trinamool Congress as I want to serve the people. By staying in CPI-M I cannot serve the people as they have become totally corrupt. That's why this year I have not contested the election,' said Biswas.
Trinamool Congress leaders were not available for comment.
CPI-M leaders Mohammed Salim and Shyamal Chakroborty denied to comment on the issue.

Obama thanks Modi for book


Gandhinagar, May 18 : US President Barack Obama has thanked Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who has been denied a US visa after the 2002 communal riots, for a book he sent as a gift, a government spokesman said Wednesday.
The chief minister had sent a book he authored, 'Convenient Action: Gujarat Initiatives'.
'As our two nations work to address the new and complex challenges facing our world, I am hopeful about what our countries can accomplish together. Again, thank you for the wonderful gift,' a letter from Obama read.

Tatas deny giving grant to a hospital in Raja''s constituency


New Delhi, May 18 : Denying that it had granted crores of rupees to a hospital in Perambalur, former telecom minister A Raja''s constituency, Tata Sons today said Tata Trusts had not made even penny to the project.
"In 2008, a request was received through Sivasankar (Perambalur MLA) to partner the Government of Tamil Nadu in constructing a medical college and hospital in Perambalur ...The letter also mentioned that several other industrial houses were also being requested to partner the State Government in its efforts.
"The Trust had therefore only committed supporting the Government of Tamil Nadu on that basis, provided actual work to be executed by the Government was in progress. Since this was not happening, not even a rupee was given to the project," Tata Sons spokesperson said in statement.
The clarification came after the Swan Telecom promoter Shahid Usman Balwa, an accused in the 2G scam, today accused CBI of projecting Tatas as clean based on the statement of corporate lobbyist Niira Radia that the Tata trust donated Rs 50 crore to a hospital in Raja''s constituency in Tamil Nadu.
The statement further clarified that "the only help extended by the Trusts to the state of medical facilities in Perambalur was in response to a grant request in July 2007 to support the cost of upgradation of the medical facilities in the government hospital in Perambalur together with some taluka hospitals."
"A grant of Rs 8 crore was sanctioned against this request. Of this sanctioned amount, only a sum of Rs 3.26 crore was released against this request," it added.
It said that no further amount was released thereafter because the external expert, which reviewed the project, reported that the progress was slow.
The Tata Trusts have over the past several years provided financial assistance to many hospitals across the country to meet the cost of medical equipment to ensure that poor get access to good quality health services, it added.

Case pending against him, Bihar minister resigns


Patna, May 19 : Bihar Cooperatives Minister Ramadhar Singh, who has a criminal case pending against him, resigned from his post Thursday after the opposition demanded that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar sack him.
Sources close to Singh, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator, Thursday said he had sent his resignation to Nitish Kumar, who is currently in New Delhi.
'Singh had faxed his resignation to Nitish Kumar who is likely to accept it after his return to Patna,' a leader close to Singh said.
Singh was declared an absconder by a court in Aurangabad district in May 1995 after he repeatedly failed to appear before it. The case registered against him by Aurangabad district administration Dec 17, 1992 after demolition of the Babri mosque relates to giving an inflammatory speech against the minority community.
The court had also ordered attachment of the minister's properties in 1995 and issued a non-bailable warrant against him in the case, police said.
Two days ago, Leader of Opposition Abdul Bari Siddique demanded that Nitish Kumar sack Singh, a tainted minister.
Siddique said Singh had concealed the cases against him in his affidavit while filing his nomination from Aurangabad assembly seat in the 2010 polls that he won on a BJP ticket.
Singh had denied the charge repeatedly saying he was not absconding, but admitted he was out on bail.

Jayalalithaa charges Puducherry's Rangasamy with betrayal


Chennai, May 19 : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Thursday said her AIADMK had been betrayed by poll ally and newly-elected Puducherry Chief Minister N. Rangaswamy, who heads the All India NR Congress (AINRC).
'Prior to the poll, Rangasamy said the Congress had betrayed him. And he has done the same thing to AIADMK,' Jayalalithaa said in a statement, adding that her party would now act as a constructive opposition in Puducherry.
She added that Rangasamy had not had the courtesy to even wish her on her poll victory though she had wished him on his.
The AIADMK is upset with Rangasamy's statement that his party would form the government on its own and not with its poll ally.
The two-month-old AINRC fought elections for the 30-member house in alliance with the AIADMK. It contested 17 seats and shared the rest with alliance partners - AIADMK (10) and one each to the DMDK, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) and the Communist Party of India (CPI).
AINRC won 15 seats with Rangasamy winning the two constituencies he contested from. The AIADMK won five seats taking the alliance tally to 20.
The rival camp Congress and the DMK won seven and two seats, respectively, while one seat was won by an independent.
Jayalalithaa had campaigned in Puducherry in support of the coalition under Rangasamy.
According to Jayalalithaa, Rangasamy had not informed her when he met the Puducherry lieutenant governor to stake his claim to forming the government.
She said Rangasamy had violated the coalition dharma by forming the government with the support of an independent legislator who had contested and won against AIADMK candidate.
Officials of AINRC were not available for comments.

Rajini is fine: family


Chennai, May 19 : Tamil superstar Rajinikanth''s family today said the actor was "doing fine" and he has been moved to the Intensive care unit of a city hospital as it is a ''protected place.''
"He is fine. It was an infection that has created an imbalance. He has been moved to ICU only to give more protection and give proper treatment because its a sterile area," his wife Latha told reporters outside Sri Ramachandra Hospital, where he has been admitted for respiratory infection and gastro-intestinal problems.

Karnataka crisis: Yeddyurappa sets deadline for Governor Bhardwaj


Bangalore, May 19 : Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa has given state Governor HR Bhardwaj an ultimatum to call for an Assembly session.
Yeddyurappa said he would start an agitation if Governor Bhardwaj does not give permission by this evening for an assembly session from June 2.
"By this evening, news should reach me (from Raj Bhavan) that approval has been given for the (legislature) session, "Yeddyurappa told reporters here.
On Wednesday, Bhardwaj told Yeddyurappa that he expected the Centre's decision on his recommendation for imposition of President's Rule by Thursday.
Apparently awaiting the Centre's move, Bhardwaj asked Yeddyurappa to wait for a day or two for his decision on the state cabinet recommendation for convening the Assembly.
Meanwhile, the Left parties and JD (S) today demanded the resignation of Yeddyurappa and Assembly Speaker K G Bopaiah contending that the Supreme Court decision quashing the disqualification of 16 MLAs was a "clear and severe" indictment of both.
"If the BJP wants to continue with the government, let them elect a new speaker, new Chief Minister. We have no objection to that. But these two gentlemen have no right to continue after apex court judgement," CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan told reporters.
Earlier, the Left parties, JD (S) and Rashtriya Lok Dal issued a joint statement saying that Yeddyurappa has no right to continue in office following severe strictures passed against him by the Supreme Court.
The statement was issued after a meeting of leaders of the JD(S), Forward Bloc, CPI(M), CPI and RLD.
Yeddyurappa had on Sunday shot off a protest letter to President Pratiba Patil, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram against Governor Bhardwaj's move to recommend President's rule in Karnataka.
He appealed to them to prevent a constitutional crisis in Karnataka.
The report from Bhardwaj came in the wake of Supreme Court reversing the Karnataka high court decision of disqualifying 11 BJP rebel MLAs and five independents ahead of the October 10, 2010 floor test in the assembly.
A rebellion by some lawmakers last year had reduced the Yeddyurappa ministry to a minority in the 225-member Assembly, leading Bhardwaj to order the Chief Minister to seek a trust vote.
Bhardwaj ordered another trust vote, which Yeddyurappa won on October 14 with 106 votes in favour and 100 against.
Of the 11 BJP rebels who had won back their membership, 10 again expressed their support to Yeddyurappa on Monday, while the 11th refused to do so.

Jaya creates Rs 350cr opportunity for laptop makers


CHENNAI: The cadre and supporters of AIADMK were not the only ones cheering when J Jayalalithaa took her oath as chief minister of Tamil Nadu.

Ripples of her victory over rival DMK were also felt in the corporate world where laptop manufacturers, sensing an opportunity in her triumph, were proposing a toast to the mercurial actor-turned-politician.

The reason for their broad grins was Jayalalithaa's campaign pledge to dole out free laptops to students of class XI and XII. Considering that there are about 1.4 million students in the state eligible for this freebie, laptop-makers are looking at an order valued at between Rs 140 crore and Rs 350 crore from the state government.

"This is obviously a sizeable order, whenever it comes through," says S Rajendran, chief marketing officer of Acer India, a subsidiary of Taiwan's biggest computer maker. As if seeking to challenge competitors, Rajendran says his company has old ties with Tamil Nadu where it supplied laptops at subsidised rates to students in partnership with the government-promoted Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu.

Experts say an order of the size of 1.4 million units is unheard of in the computer hardware business.
To put the figure in perspective, India sold a total of 2.5 million laptops and notebooks in 2009-10. "Laptop is a sensitive electronic gadget," says Rothin Bhattacharyya, executive vicepresident (marketing) at HCL Infosystems, which offers hardware as well as service support.

"We hope the state government will consider factors like service support and energy efficiency before putting out a tender." "The market today is flooded with cheap Chinese laptops, which have poor a shelf-life," he says.

25 paise coins to be demonetised


Mumbai, May 18 : Reserve Bank today asked public to exchange 25 paise coins and those with lower denominations with banks before June 30, the day from which they would be demonetised or cease to be a legal tender for payment.
"Coins of denomination of 25 paise and below will cease to be legal tender from June 30, 2011. These will not be accepted for exchange at bank branches from July 1, 2011 onwards," the RBI said.
"The RBI has, therefore, appealed to the members of public to exchange these coins at the branches of banks maintaining small coin depots or at the offices of the Reserve Bank," the central bank said.
The exchange facility at specified bank branches or the Reserve Bank offices will be available till the close of business on June 29, 2011.
RBI has instructed the banks maintaining small coins to arrange for exchange of coins of denomination of 25 paise and below for their face value at their branches.
The Government had decided to withdraw the coins of denomination of 25 paise and below from circulation from June 30.

Autos to go off Delhi roads on Thursday, Friday


New Delhi, May 18:Thousands of autorickshaws in the capital will go off the roads Thursday and Friday to press for the demand that the government pay for global positioning systems (GPS) they have to install, a union said Wednesday.
Autorickshaw trade unions said they were not opposed to the GPS per se but they wanted the Delhi administration to bear the cost of installation -- and maintenance.
With the government not relenting, some 55,000 autorickshaws will take part in the two-day strike, said Suresh Sharma, president of the Rashtravadi Janata Tipahiya Chalak Mahasangh.
The strike was supposed to begin Wednesday.
'We were supposed to go on strike from Wednesday but only two to three unions were ready. So we chose to start the strike from Thursday,' Sharma told IANS.
He said Thursday would not see 'even a single auto on the streets'.
'We have no problems with the GPS installation. Our demand is that we should not be paying the annual charges of Rs.15,000 for the installation. The government should bear this cost,' said Sharma.
The government wants autorickshaws to be fitted with GPS to enable a two-way communication system that will help check speeding, route deviation and ensure commuter safety.
Despite the many accusations hurled at their drivers, autorickshaws form a key lifeline of the capital's transport system.