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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jagan Mohan issue comes in focus at Andhra cabinet


Hyderabad, May 20 : The alleged presence of the sympathisers of the Kadapa MP Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy in the N Kiran Kumar Reddy Cabinet became a topic of debate today following the allegations by some senior leaders in this regard.
Senior party leader and MLC K R Amos hit out at Jagan saying all those who are sympathetic towards him should leave. "You (Jagan)take all the covert leaders you have. Why should you say that Congress would come down soon?" he said. He added that if Jagan had the power to pull down the government, he should prove so.
State Rural Development Minister D Manikya Vara Prasad denied that there were any leaders sympathetic towards Jagan. "Those, who are loyal to the Chief Minister and the party high command, will remain so and all those in the Cabinet are party loyalists," he said.
Education Minister S Sailajanath said Congress leadership is competent enough to deal with those who work against party interests. "Congress has got a strong network and can recognise those working for the party and those working against it," he said.
The issue of sympathisers came in focus in the aftermath of the visit of Congress general secretary, in-charge of party affairs in AP Ghulam Nabi Azad to the city this week. Azad was in Hyderabad for two day to take stock of party affairs. He held meetings with a number of Congress leaders.
Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who will visit the national capital tomorrow, is likely to discuss various party affairs with the leadership.

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