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Friday, May 20, 2011

Mamata Banerjee sworn in as Chief Minister of West Bengal


Kolkata, May 20 :Mamata Banerjee was today sworn in as the 11th Chief Minister of West Bengal as head of Trinamool Congress-Congress alliance ministry after 34 years of Left Front rule in the state.
Banerjee, dressed in a simple white sari, took the oath in Bengali, which was administered by Governor M K Narayanan at 1:01 PM, a time chosen by the Trinamool Congress supremo in the Raj Bhavan.
Banerjee, who set off from home after touching the feet of her mother Gayetri Devi, arrived at the Raj Bhavan in a black Santro car shortly before 1 PM after visiting the Kalighat Temple close to her Harish Chatterjee Street residence en route.
Alighting at the North gate of the Raj Bhavan she walked in amidst cheers and slogans from the people waiting outside in thousands.
Former Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Left Front Chairman Biman Bose were present at the ceremony.

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