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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Independents win bulk of Gurgaon civic seats


Gurgaon, May 15 : Independent candidates won over two-thirds of the wards of the Gurgaon Municipal Corporation, whose first elections were held Sunday, an official said.
Out of the 35 wards, 25 were won by Independent candidates, while six went to Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) and the remaining four to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Haryana's ruling Congress had not released any list. Over 300 of the 378 candidates in the fray were Independents.
The newly-elected councillors will now chose a mayor.
The voting, earlier Sunday, witnessed a 55 to 60 percent turnout and was mostly peaceful, an official said.
'Overall, the voting was peaceful apart from a clash at ward number 12 between a group of BJP and Congress workers,' an official said.

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