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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mamata meets Pranab, asks Congress to join ministry


Kolkata, May 15:Trinamool Congress supremo and West Bengal's would be chief minister Mamata Banerjee Saturday called on Finance Minister and Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee and formally requested the Congress to join her ministry.
'The two leaders discussed Congress's participation in the ministry,' said Trinamool sources.
Banerjee, who went to Mukherjee's south Kolkata residence, said the discussions were 'fruitful'.
Congress was a part of the Trinamool-led alliance that swept the assembly polls in West Bengal Friday ending the Left Front's unprecedented 34-year rule.
In the 294-member assembly, Trinamool Congress and allies won 227 seats - a three-fourth majority - leaving the Left Front with just 61 seats.

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