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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rahul''s charges of burning of men, rape baseless: UP govt


Lucknow, May 19 :Uttar Pradesh government today dismissed as baseless Rahul Gandhi''s allegations about burning of people and rape of women in Bhatta Parsaul, rocked by farmers'' agitation on land acquisition issue, and said preliminary forensic reports of ashes collected from the area have ruled out presence of any human remains.
Addressing a press conference on behalf of chief minister Mayawati, the state''s cabinet secretary Shashank Shekar Singh said prelimianry forensic reports have not found any human bone or remains ."There are traces of melted synthetic in the ash," he said.
Terming the charge on 74 people being killed there and women raped as "baseless and an effort to malign the state government", he suggested restraint over airing views which later require clarifications.
"It would be better if restraint is exercised and such baseless allegations are not issued which require clarifications later", he said. .

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